Goyard Sacos Mochila Mini
$215.00 $291.00
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A nova versão da mini mochila de segunda geração da Goyard Alpin🎒💪🏻💪🏻11 cores completas👇🏻👇🏻A oficina Goyard segue o artesanato tradicional e mostra engenhosidade em cada detalhe: alguns anéis de metal cuidadosamente colocados, uma alça de couro feita à mão e uma alça removível faz da mini bolsa Alpin uma bolsa multifuncional com grande valor prático. Pode ser carregada na mão, no ombro ou na cruz, podendo também ser usada como sua mini “bolsa escolar”. Tamanho 1: comprimento inferior 19cm, altura 22cm, largura 9,5cm.
Brands: Goyard
Estilo: Mini
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Very nice bag for that money. I bought two am am very happy with them. You can use it for a lot of things.
For such money on a large account it is excellent. With the seller did not communicate, I liked everything
the bag quality is good. delivery fast!Would use this seller again.
Nice bags..Delivery is very fast! In the Rostov region, the order came earlier than days for seven.
Received very fast in a multi-order package. Packed well. Received in good condition. Good quality; great for the price;
At first glance, very not bad. Come quickly.Sewing like quality.
Thank you! Very comfortable bag. Came in 21 days in Minsk
Ordered a second time, with different pattern. Very good bag, spacious. Carefully made,.
Nice bag!well sewn. Water resistance did not check.
bag arrive in excellent condition,everything quite decent.In general, excellent.. Thank you….