Goyard Sacos Bolsas Sacolas Réplica aaa+ designer Algodão
$122.00 $168.00
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G0YARD foi fundado em 1853 e tem uma história de mais de 150 anos. O tecido é tecido com uma mistura de fibras de cânhamo, algodão e cânhamo e depois revestido com goma aldeído. , famílias reais e nobres A popular 🎉🎉 A nova sacola de compras da Claire é dupla face 💃🏻💃🏻 dois tamanhos 👉🏻5⃣️ todas as cores 🈶️ [Deixe-me ver] [Deixe-me ver] A imagem mostra a bolsa média com abertura de 47cm, fundo. comprimento 34cm e altura 27cm Largura 15cm, abertura grande da bolsa 57cm, comprimento inferior 39cm, altura 33cm, largura 19cm
Brands: Goyard
Materiais: Algodão
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Seller promptly responded to my request when you make Order to the flag of bags sent. The product is fully consistent with the-very comfortable and pretty.
Great thing! Took for trips on vacation. All the little things will be at hand, very convenient, just nothing will be lost. Recommend)
Great quality, and logistics is very fast, delivered early, congratulations!!! Recommend!!!
Cool,Perfect bag. A perfect and compact size.I really like it
Product’s condition really good, I really like the design and everything. Recommend
Excellent bags,the layout is comfortable, delivered in 3 weeks.